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Consumer Snapshot

How Much Are Consumers Willing to Pay for Home Furnishings?

When it comes to setting prices, retailers are tasked with striking a delicate balance. Price items too low and you won’t turn a profit; price items too high and they’ll never leave your showroom…

How Color Impacts Consumer Purchasing Behavior

While every person has their own associations with different colors and no one color has a universal effect on viewers, there are some overarching trends in color perception that have considerable…
Social Media network preference by generation graph
Source: Sprout Social

Baby Boomers and Gen Xers Are On Social Media Too. Here's How to Find Them.

For many retailers and interior designers, Baby Boomers and Generation Xers make up the majority of their clientele. So why focus on a social media strategy if only Millennials and Gen Zers use these…
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