

Top Tips from Experts on Branding Your Retail or Interior Design Business

Branding is important. If you’re in business you know this. But how do you develop and share that brand? Over the years, we’ve talked to experts about how best to brand your retail or design business…
Mike Peterson, Understanding Branding
Mike Peterson shares strategies for uncovering your true brand identity.

Design Coaching Center: Understanding Your Interior Design Brand Identity

What's Your Brand Identity? Are you a brand? Do you think of yourself that way? We live in a world of brands. They surround us. They influence us. We don’t drive cars; we drive BMWs. We don’t stop…

How Color Impacts Consumer Purchasing Behavior

While every person has their own associations with different colors and no one color has a universal effect on viewers, there are some overarching trends in color perception that have considerable…
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It's up to you to tell the story of your brand and connect with your ideal consumer. (Photo: Pexels user Tirachard Kumtanom)

Who Defines Your Brand?

Branding. It’s what differentiates one company from the next. It’s also what connects us to our customers. “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room,” says Amazon's…