
Eric Toder

Exterior of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Photo by Michael Judkins from Pexels

This Isn't Going Well: An Industry Guide to Tariffs and Trade Wars

International trade can best be described as the most convoluted game of Monopoly ever played: Everyone has a few good properties and a few okay properties and they're all just trying to make it…
Taxes on Chalkboard via GotCredit.com
So the bill passed. What's it mean for you? (Photo: Taxes on Chalkboard via GotCredit.com and Flickr)

The Tax Bill Passed. What Now?

This week, Congress passed a massive new tax bill into law, and it's now on President Donald Trump's desk. The bill is expect to take effect immediately, which could mean some big changes in 2018.…
What's scarier than a ghost or goblin? How about tax reform? (Photo: aboblist.com via Flickr)

Tackling the Scary Topic of Tax Reform

On Halloween, it seems fitting to talk about a topic that everyone seems to fear and dread: taxes. In May, tax reform was the next topic House and Senate Republicans planned to tackle after…
White house graphic
(Photo: iStock.com/PODTIN)

What You Need to Know About Tax Reform

Now that healthcare reform stalled, President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan have turned their attention to tax reform — an area of the law that impacts the lighting and home decor industry…