
Donald Trump

ALA Provides Update to Members on Government Assistance Programs

The American Lighting Assn. (ALA) provided an update to its members regarding government assistance programs and the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The assistance programs included in the second and…

ICFF + WantedDesign Manhattan 2020 Canceled Due to Coronavirus

After closely monitoring the risk and impact of COVID-19 and speaking at length with members of the design community, the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) and WantedDesign Manhattan,…

U.S. Department of Labor Announces New Unemployment Insurance Guidance in Response to Coronavirus

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced new guidance outlining flexibilities that states have in administering their unemployment insurance (UI) programs to assist Americans affected by the…
Ship loading or unloading containers
Photo by Frans Van Heerden from Pexels

Tariff Increases Are On Hold: What you Need to Know

The 25-percent tariff on $200 billion of Chinese imports, scheduled to go into effect this Saturday, was delayed on Sunday. President Trump announced via Twitter that talks between the U.S. and China…

ALA Weighs in on Lighting Industry Developments

The American Lighting Assn. (ALA) this week weighed in on the latest lighting industry developments including JA8 markings guidance, the Department of Energy's rule on external power supplies and…
Cargo ship in port at night
Photo: Julius Silver from Pexels

Tariffs Aren't the Greatest: 3 Industries Hurt By Tariffs

"Tariffs are the Greatest," President Trump said in a tweet Tuesday morning. If you're a furniture or lighting retailer, tariffs are anything but great. The Trump administration plans to impose a …
Taxes on Chalkboard via GotCredit.com
So the bill passed. What's it mean for you? (Photo: Taxes on Chalkboard via GotCredit.com and Flickr)

The Tax Bill Passed. What Now?

This week, Congress passed a massive new tax bill into law, and it's now on President Donald Trump's desk. The bill is expect to take effect immediately, which could mean some big changes in 2018.…
What's scarier than a ghost or goblin? How about tax reform? (Photo: aboblist.com via Flickr)

Tackling the Scary Topic of Tax Reform

On Halloween, it seems fitting to talk about a topic that everyone seems to fear and dread: taxes. In May, tax reform was the next topic House and Senate Republicans planned to tackle after…