
Video Styles to Consider For Your YouTube Channel

If you’ve thought about dipping your toes into video content but don’t know where to begin, here are some tips on styles of videos to help you brainstorm.

Katie Caron
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(Photo: Pexels)

You know that creating video content can be a great marketing channel to help illustrate your brand’s story and expertise to your loyal and potential customers. Despite the benefits, a 2015 Ebiquity poll showed that just 9 percent of small businesses have a YouTube channel. It makes sense: Dedicating time and resources to video content is no small commitment and it can be hard to predict the return on investment. But if you have the ability, being one of the minority that creates its own videos can set your business apart from the pack and put you on the radar of potential new customers. Before jumping into a YouTube channel, you’ll want to pinpoint exactly what kind of videos you want to put out.

If you think investing in a YouTube presence might be right for your business but aren’t sure exactly what to post, here are some styles of videos to consider to get your creative juices flowing.

How-to Videos

How-to videos are a great way to educate your audience while making your business a trusted industry resource. In these videos, you can explain any process, from how to properly light a dining room to how to select the right ceiling fan. This will strengthen your brand and showcases the expertise of your knowledgeable staff. Most people only know how helpful your staff is once they step into your showroom, so this is an opportunity to demonstrate what you have to offer.

How-to’s also present the chance to highlight a specific product that you sell. To come up with how-to ideas, think of the questions you commonly hear from customers in your showroom. If people are asking your experts something, chances are that even more people are asking the same thing online.

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Product Spotlights

Product spotlights are a great way to showcase your offerings and present the opportunity for collaboration with another business or product manufacturer. Spotlights can be less than a minute long and simply highlight what the product looks like, or you could post a 3-minute video where your lighting expert walks viewers through the product features and what makes it unique. Product videos are fairly simple to make and add a layer of depth to the viewer’s understanding of the item that goes beyond what they would see in photos alone.

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Market Coverage

With so much going on and so many great products all in one place, markets present the perfect opportunity to film and post video content. At market, you can highlight what’s new and trending and show your viewers what products you’re adding to your inventory that season. You could shoot a quick product spotlight on one of the new items you plan to stock, which could either be a quick 30 second video with no dialogue or a more in-depth look at the product. You might also shoot a trend-spotting video, where your expert walks viewers through the hottest looks at the market to keep them in the know. There’s no better place to harness and showcase the excitement of the industry than at market, and video conveys that energy better than any other format.

Check this out:

When it comes to brainstorming video content for your business, there’s truly no limit. It’s up to you to decide what styles of videos to focus on, and you can always adapt as you grow your video presence. Before you jump in, you should have a clear idea of what kind of content you want to make and why.

Have you thought about creating a YouTube channel for your business? What are your main concerns? Let us know in the comments!


Photo: Pexels 
