
Marketing Your Business

Whether retailer or designer, business grows when consumers know where and how to find you. We're sharing the tips and strategies for marketing your business online and off. 

taking notes
(Photo: Pexels)

4 Small Business Webinar Resources to Check Out

For a small business to stay afloat in today's retail climate, staying current on industry trends and best business practices is crucial. While industry markets and conferences offer great…

IMC Announces Marketing and Digital Team Structure

Following its recently announced executive leadership team appointments and long-range market plans, International Market Centers (IMC) has shared a new integrated structure and staffing for its…
Unsplash woman using laptop
(Photo: Unsplash user rawpixel)

3 About Page Mistakes to Avoid

Storytelling through your marketing gives you a stronger connection to your consumers, offering them a deeper look at what your business is all about and what sets you apart. Your About page is the…
Pexels cellphone facebook
(Photo: Pexels)

The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Advertising: Part I

Facebook Ads may be one of the most targeted marketing tools available today. With it, small businesses can deliver finely tuned messages to specific types of buyers, collect data on their followers…
Unsplash phone YouTube icon
(Photo: Unsplash user Hello I'm Nik)

5 Digital Marketing YouTube Channels to Check Out

As a small business owner in 2018, there’s no shortage of new things you can learn when it comes to your digital marketing strategy. But you can only read so much in a day, and sifting through…
pexels woman using phone laptop
(Photo: Pexels user bruce mars)

How to Create a Strong Customer Referral Program

Research from Texas Tech shows that 83 percent of satisfied customers are willing to refer a product or service, but just 29 percent actually do. Many happy customers may not be spreading the word on…
Five people fist bumping
Support your community online and it will support you back. (Photo: rawpixel.com from Pexels)

How to Turn Your Facebook Page Into a Community

Be honest: How often do you post on Facebook? Likely, the answer is, "Not nearly as much as I should be." Furniture and lighting showrooms should be posting content to their Facebook pages daily,…
buyer persona
(Photo: Pixabay)

How to Create a Buyer Persona

If you own a small business, you likely have a pretty solid understanding of who your customers are. But if you want to formalize the process of understanding your ideal customer (and the potential…
Closed Sears in Memphis, TN
Photo: Mike Kalasnik via Flickr

How to Not Be Like Sears

In life, nothing lasts forever. This month, Sears filed for bankruptcy after years of struggling to find its place in the retail market among emerging giants like Amazon and Walmart. The company…
Pexels blackboard holidays presents
Give yourself the gift of planning your holiday marketing strategy ahead of time. (Photo: Pexels user George Dolgikh)

3 Ways to Start Preparing Your Holiday Marketing Strategy

It may feel like summer only just ended, but before you know it, the holiday season will be upon us. Soon enough, customers will be on the lookout for the finishing touches to complete their seasonal…