
retail business development

Mark Richardson, Next Level. workplace fatigue
Coronavirus continues to shift the work environment. Here are tips for addressing workplace fatigue.

7 Tips for Mitigating Workplace, Team Fatigue in Uncertain Times

Many have tried to describe the way they are feeling in these times (and it even changes on a week-to-week basis). Some weeks you are overly optimistic and other weeks you are not. Some weeks you are…
mark richardson half time prep
Are you using half-time to make sure your business is running smoothly?

Are You Prepared for Your Business's Half-Time

From a sport’s fan perspective, half-time may be a chance to go get a snack or another beer. From the coach’s perspective, it’s an integral part of the potential success of the event.  A coach knows…
Succession Planning for your business
Are you ready to be "fired" from your business? There is planning involved.

Are You Ready to Be Fired? 5 Tips for Your Business Succession Plan

Many years ago, I was having lunch with a business friend who was moving into the final stages of his career. I asked him, “So what are you focused on now?” He said something I will never forget. He…