
LuAnn Nigara

Interior Design Society Conference
IDS has set its 2022 conference dates and location.

Interior Design Society Announces 2022 Conference Dates, Location

The Interior Design Society (IDS) is excited to announce  that their 2022 Conference will take place in Chicago, IL, from August 4-6.  The program will include robust educational sessions as well as…
Design Coaching Center, LuAnn Nigara, Systems and Processes
In these case studies, LuAnn Nigara illustrates how systems and process can be a game changer in an interior design business.

Can Establishing Processes Up Your Interior Design Game?

LuAnn Nigara shares the accomplishments of some of our colleagues — colleagues who have drawn the line in the sand, taken the time out of their work day, week after week and month after month to…
Design Coaching Center, LuAnn Nigara
Register for our conversation with LuAnn Nigara and designers on the value of process.

Learn the Game-Changing Value of Design Systems, Processes

Don't miss this insightful conversation with LuAnn Nigara, Sandra Funk, Arianne Bellizaire and Peggy Morgans!  REGISTER HERE Date: September 2, 2021 Time: 12:00 ET Register Here!    We’ve been…
LuAnn Nigara, Design Coaching Center
LuAnn Nigara shares insights on how systems and processes affect your design business

Design Coaching Center: LuAnn Nigara — The Value of Processes & Systems

Systems & Process for Your Design Business You have heard countless business advisors tell you the importance and the critical value of building processes and systems into your business. So,…
Interior Design Society, Virtual Conference
The Interior Design Society has opened registration for its May virtual conference.

Interior Design Society Opens Registration for Virtual Designer Conference

The Interior Design Society (IDS) is excited to announce that  registration is now open for their 2021 National Conference. The conference will be held  virtually this year, with a strong speaker…
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jozefmicic - stock.adobe.com

Looking Forward to Business Success in 2021

While 2020 threw monkey-wrench-type challenges into businesses across the spectrum, the home furnishings industry — both for interior designers and retailers after lockdowns were lifted — have for…

LuAnn Nigara and Sarah Daniele Launch Virtual Design Industry Conference

With industry events canceled this spring, industry leaders LuAnn Nigara of A Well Designed Business podcast and Sarah Daniele, co-founder of Mydoma Studio co-created 19 Hours, a completely virtual…
woman looking at phone with earbuds in
Do you listen to any design industry podcasts? (Photo: Pexels)

4 Interior Design Podcasts Worth Listening To

Between keeping up with industry trends, going to meetings with clients and updating blogs and social media, the schedule of an interior designer can be hectic. For those looking to stay in the loop …