

Houzz: Favorable Outlook for Home Renovation Professionals in 2023

Houzz Inc. has released the 2023 Houzz U.S. State of the Industry. The report provides an outlook on 2023 and review of 2022 performance for residential renovation and design businesses based on data…

Reinventing Tradition

We’ve all heard the saying “Don’t mess with a good thing.” While that laissez-faire strategy may work just fine for your grandmother’s sticky buns recipe or possibly your stock portfolio, businesses…
blue lamp
(Photo: phonlamaiphoto - stock.adobe.com)

Lighting Consumer Research: Illuminating Changes

Your grandpa did business without the internet, but can you? A recent study by The NPD Group’s Checkout E-commerce Tracking service says the lighting industry’s days of poo-pooing the power of e-…
Pexels apartment
(Photo: Pexels)

Baby Boomers and Small-Space Living

Millennials love small spaces. Baby Boomers love big spaces. Right? Maybe not. This spring, Lighting & Decor conducted a reader survey to see how retailers viewed small-space living. When asked…