
Allen & James Interior Design

High Point Market Authority, Design Oasis
High Point Market Authority introduces its new outdoor-focused Design Oasis program.

High Point Market Authority Announces Design Oasis Program

The High Point Market Authority announces its newest program, Design Oasis, set to debut this June during the Spring 2021 Market. The program focuses on outdoor furnishings and will feature furniture…
Libby Langdon High Point Market
Libby Langdon is one of several designers and retailers we talked to about coming to High Point Market

Designers, Retailers and Exhibitors Dish on What to Expect in High Point Market

High Point Market is almost here and exhibitors are getting ready with new product introductions, line extensions and whole new categories. We talked to several suppliers about what we can expect to…
Patti Allen and Stephanie James
Patti Allen and Stephanie James

Allen & James Bring a Designer's Eye to Retail

If you’re ever in downtown High Point, NC — and we know many of you are ­— you’ll want to make a side trip the next time you’re visiting Market to see how Allen & James’ interior design/retail…
Retailers, Designers, Manufacturers respond to coronavirus
Retailers, Manufacturers and Designers share insights on keeping business afloat during the coronavirus pandemic.

Coping with Coronavirus: Retailers, Designers & Manufacturers Share Business Insights

While coronavirus is currently causing a disruption for everyone in the home furnishings industry, at some point, it will subside, and life and businesses will return, homes will be built and…

Barbour Spangle Design Expands Staff

Award-winning firm Barbour Spangle Design continues its trajectory of growth with the addition of three new designers added to their residential and showroom design teams. Co-founders and partners…