

Surya vacation rentals
This Surya room vignette showcases elements, such as seating and colors, that can be easily photographed for online vacation rental sites.

Online Vacation Rentals Offer Home Design Opportunities

Where are the opportunities in home design headed? One opportunity that shouldn’t be overlooked is vacation rental properties. As consumers continue to trade in traditional hotels for more “authentic…
pexels computers
Photo: Pexels

Who to Watch Today

Welcome to Consumer Snapshot, where we dissect generational behaviors to help you sell your products and services more effectively. As a primer to what we’ll be covering in this department, we’ve…
(Photo: Seigle’s Cabinet Center)

Share of Showroom

Rent takes a big bite out of profits, but what if there was a way to cut that expense and generate new business in the process? Opening your showroom up to a complementary business generates a number…