
Lighting & Homes for Tomorrow Submission Deadline Extended

The new deadline is June 5.

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The deadline for submissions to the Lighting & Homes for Tomorrow (LHFT) competition has been extended to June 5.

The LHFT competition presents manufacturers the opportunity to distinguish their products and services from other connected home devices and platforms in the market. To realize the CEE Integrated Home vision, LHFT is designed to help drive the adoption of efficient, connected products that demonstrate interoperability, reliability and simplicity.

In 2020, the competition addresses residential connected lighting, connected plug load controls, connected HVAC and thermostats, connected windows and window attachments, and other connected home devices that successfully deliver a positive consumer experience, energy management and grid benefits.

LHFT rewards market leadership in the advancement of the Integrated Home vision. Award winners receive credible third-party promotion for one year and are the best positioned to receive utility endorsement and incentives. All entrants receive critical insights and direction on how to meet utility needs moving forward.

Products will be evaluated as part of a two-step process: screening by the LHFT Steering Committee and an in-person evaluation by a panel of expert judges. Only the most promising entries will proceed to the in-person judging. The diverse Judging Panel will include individuals with expertise in usability, interoperability, the connected home, IDSM program administration, product/system installation, specific technology performance and sales. The Judging Panel will score entries according to the following criteria:

  • Energy Savings
  • Functionality
  • Interoperability
  • Reliability
  • Simplicity: Value Proposition
  • Simplicity: Installation, Set Up and Use
  • Data Sharing
  • Quality (Appearance & Style as applicable)
  • Value for Price
  • Innovation in Design / Form Factor
  • Innovation in Engineering
  • Future Proofing
  • Cybersecurity

LHFT 2020 is organized by the American Lighting Assn. (ALA), the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE), and UL. It is sponsored by over a dozen energy efficiency utilities, trade associations and research entities across the U.S. and Canada.

For complete guidelines and entry information, visit http://lightingfortomorrow.com/enter-now or contact info@lightingfortomorrow.com. 

Finalists will be notified by mid-July. 
