
ICFA Names 2024 Mia Nault Unsung Hero Award

Terry DeMeuse of Lloyd Flanders has been named as the 2024 recipient of the Mia Nault Unsung Hero Award at the International Casual Furnishings Association's awards gala. 

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Terry DeMeuse
Terry DeMeuse has been honored with the Mia Nault Unsung Hero Award.

The International Casual Furnishings Association (ICFA) has named Terry DeMeuse of Lloyd Flanders as the 2024 recipient of the Mia Nault Unsung Hero Award. 

DeMeuse has been with Lloyd Flanders since August 2018, starting in a warehouse role and progressing to customer service. 

In nominating DeMeuse for this award, sales rep Kathleen Ferry of K. Ferry Sales, said, “Terry goes above and beyond for her customers, company and sales reps. She is the most reliable and customer-driven associate I have ever worked with. She is professional, kind, positive and truly believes in giving 100 percent to every single customer no matter if they are purchasing a throw pillow or $50,000 worth of product.”

She added, “Terry isn't shy about how proud she is to work for Lloyd Flanders. She takes her role in customer service seriously and she has developed wonderful relationships with her colleagues, customers and sales reps. She is invaluable!” 

DeMeuse grew up in the small town of Fort Ashby, WV. At age 18, she left to join the Navy and after receiving her basic training in Orlando, FL, in 1981, she received storekeeper training in a record 15 days in Meridian, MI. She was then stationed in Reykjavik, Iceland, where she met her husband, Chris, and they were soon married. They moved to Jacksonville, FL, where they completed their service with the Navy and raised two children. After 30 years in Florida, the DeMeuses moved to Wisconsin, where they currently reside.

Jess Flanders, CEO and creative director at Lloyd Flanders, also sang DeMeuse's praises: “Anyone who knows Terry knows her personality is larger than life, but it is when you see the heart she has for others that you see how much she genuinely cares. She is always willing to help anyone, quick with a smile and even a joke (and true to her Navy roots, the jokes can even make a sailor blush!). Terry DeMeuse is the type of person that is the epitome of what makes the Casual Furnishings Industry special and is so deserving of this year’s Unsung Hero Award!”

This award was created to call attention to outstanding customer service representatives at manufacturing companies throughout the casual furnishings industry. Candidates are selected based on their ability to provide exceptional customer service, as well as outstanding communication skills, innovative problem-solving, professionalism and ability to inspire others as brand ambassadors. In 2021 the award was renamed in honor of the inaugural 2020 recipient, the late Mia Nault of Ebel, Inc. 

Previous recipients include Sarah Brown, Telescope Casual Furniture, in 2021; Christy Dase, Gensun Casual, in 2022; and Ana Hartman, Treasure Garden, in 2023.
